Avatar: The Experience in Singapore 重新探索新加坡之二十四

 Avatar: The Experience自10月28日在新加坡海湾花园云雾森林正式揭幕。但直到今天,我们全家才终于有时间去参观。

我非常喜欢 "Avatar: The Experience"的三个方面。

第一个我喜欢的是1:1比例的Mountain Banshee,它有内部机械控制,会眨眼,四处张望,扇动翅膀。新加坡是世界上第一个以实体比例创造Mountain Banshee的地方,首次亮相。游客还可以提前看到将在下个月上映的电影续集中出现的奇幻海洋生物 "Ilu"。


我喜欢的第三件事是,Avatar: The Experience安排了一些活动供游客参与,这些活动大多使用动作捕捉系统,所以游客可以与环境有很多互动。印象最深的是Encounter With Eywa,这是一个巨大的数字装置,利用全息投影和众多传感器投射出Avatar中色彩绚丽的场景,场景随着游客的移动不断变化,让人感受到生命的壮美。

我迫不及待地想在影院看到Avatar: The Way of Water!

Avatar: The Experience has been officially unveiled at Gardens By The Bay Cloud Forest in Singapore since October 28th. But it wasn't until today that my family finally had the time to visit.

There were three things I really liked about Avatar: The Experience.

The first one I liked was the 1:1 scale Mountain Banshee, which has internal mechanical controls, blinks, looks around and flaps its wings. Singapore is the first place in the world where the entity scale to create Mountain Banshee debut. Visitors will also be able to see in advance the fantastical sea creature "Ilu" that will appear in the movie sequel, which will be released next month.

The second thing I like is that Cloud Forest emits mist at certain times, and with the waterfalls and mountains in Cloud Forest, it feels like you are actually in the movie.

The third thing I like is that Avatar: The Experience has arranged some activities for visitors to participate in, and most of these activities use motion capture system, so visitors can have a lot of interaction with the environment. The most impressive one was Encounter With Eywa, a huge digital installation that uses holographic projections and numerous sensors to project colorful and gorgeous scenes from Avatar, with the scenes constantly changing as visitors move, giving a sense of the magnificence of life.

I can't wait to see Avatar: The Way of Water in theaters!